Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Copy-Pasting a Blogpost

I was reading through the blogs of some of the friends on my blogroll, just to catch up on what they've been up to. Been a while since I spoke to some of them. And I came across this post written by a guy I know in Pune. I was reading his post- which was really small, but brilliant, an analogy of sorts. At that point, I realized that I had read a very similar post on the blog of another senior of mine from COEP. Just to check out, I opened her blog and hunted for that post.

And horror of horrors, it was the exact same post! And by exact, I mean word-for-word...

Now obviously, my COEP senior had posted this about a year before this other guy, so it's obvious who used Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V !! :P And having been a Masters student in the US for more than six months now, I am pretty sensitive to plagiarism issues! (Lol!) No seriously, I didn't like what he'd done. In spite of that, I decided to give him a fair chance- maybe he wasn't aware of blogging rules. So I pointed it out to him in his comments section. Even linked it to the url of the original blog post. I thought he'd accept his mistake and either remove his post or mention the source as an "inspiration". At least that was the gracious thing to do!

When I checked back a day later, he had deleted by comment and the post was still there as it is- without any modifications! Furthermore, he was actually receiving applauding comments from his other friends about how insightful his post was and how clever of him to think up of such an analogy !!!

Now there are two things to this- the guy picks up a post from another source, without changing even a preposition in it (the only thing he did was italicize a few words... :P:P). And to top it off, he doesn't change it even after someone tells him it's not his original work! Well, he's an engineering student, and I know that as a group, we don't think too much of "GT-ing" our sheets or copying journals, but that is for convenience (;-)) This is pure plagiarism only coz he couldn't find something smart to write on his blog!

I know most people who blog do it for pleasure. Our posts are not protected by copyright laws or licenses. But as bloggers, there is an unwritten code of conduct we all follow, and that is to never Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V another person's post without permission!

I hope that guy reads this post and realizes the mistake he's committed !! :P:P

(Interesting cartoon taken from here)

PS: I'm not mentioning either the guy's blog link or the link to the original post because I don't want to embarrass him. But I sincerely do think he should do something about it!


Sameer said...

But I think, you can link to the original post... :)

Cartographer said...

Well said!

AJ said...

Came here after a long time. Btw, whatever you write automatically has your copyright - just by pure creation. Might not be worth suing, though :)

- Ajay

Ketaki... said...

I agree.. whosoever's done that shud be ashamed of himself..

falcon said...

Then What r u doing here.. preaching!!!

Sorry, for being rude.. if u know there is someone who is doing this ...speak abt it..!!!

jus becoz u happen to know him, is not a reason good enough to protect the culprit!!

Give the link ...name him .. if u do not name him you are encouraging him!!!

And go to creative commons and read abt copyright issues
