Monday, December 06, 2010


Most of the times, you never realize the value of what you had unless it is taken away from you.

Most people never know what they really want. They know what they would like to want, which is often a result of comparing themselves to someone else and hoping that they could be like them by having the same things. But each person defines happiness and satisfaction and ambition and love differently. What worked for you will very rarely work for me. And if only we knew that, we'd be able to value what we have a lot more. If only we knew ourselves better, we'd be able to ask for exactly what we want and recognize it clearly when we get it. And then, we'd do everything possible to keep it ours forever.

But if that were to happen, then life would be too simple.

So, we lose things. And we lose people. Because we think that what we have is not enough- we can get more. Sure, maybe we can. But is that what we truly want? Is more always good?

And then, as if to prove a point, you get -- more. You get what you thought you wanted. Only to realize that you don't want it anymore. That's not who you are. You want what you had. But, as always, it's too late.

Or is it? Can you go back to what you had? Is it okay to hope?


Anonymous said...

Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness - this statement pretty much sums up everything there is to hope, I guess :)

You have a really nice blog - feels like reading some of my own thoughts sometimes :)

And congrats on your defense !

- Ezhil

$upergirl said...

Thanks Ezhil! I agree with what you say..
I think the skill is in understanding the fine line between optimism and foolishness.. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, good luck with whatever it is you want back. Let us know if you do spot that line somewhere along the way :)

Junius said...

what one really wants is a question i think everyone has and you have put really nice thoughts here,,
I think many people dont know what they want but most people know what they dont want...and thats important too. anyway...cheers!

Ashlesha said...

it's true when they say "you never realize the value of what you had unless it is taken away from you" But sometimes it so happens, you end up realizing probably that was the best thing that could have happened! It can happen vice-versa too. You know what I mean? Attachment stops you from taking decisions which might work best in your favour! No harm in hoping but it's safe to keep some things where we left them at.. my thoughts :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with one of the earlier comments that reading your blog is sometimes reading your own thoughts (written in a more clear and better way) :)

I think, hope is great thing, but also knowing where to stop hoping is also essential.

Keep writing! :)